Biography of Hsueh Chi Hsu

Ms. Hsueh Chi Hsu has been a researcher for the Academia Sinica of Taiwan, at the Institute of Taiwan History since 2002 and is the Chairman of Taiwan Oral History Association. She graduated from Institute of History, Taiwan University with a Ph.D. degree and worked at Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica as a researcher from 1984 to 2002. She focuses her research on oral history, Taiwan Political Systems, family history, and overseas activities of Taiwanese at Qing Dynasty, the two two eight incident and white horror. She has published works including “Taiwanese Life at Manchu During Japanese-ruled Period”, “Review and Outlook of Taiwan Oral History”. Recent works include:

1. 許雪姬等訪問,《日治時期臺灣人在滿洲的生活經驗》(臺北:中央研究院臺灣史研究所,2014)。

2. 許雪姬,湯原健一譯〈満洲国政府における台湾籍高等官(一九三二~一九四五年)〉,馬場毅、許雪姬、謝國興、黃英哲編,《近代台湾の経済社会の変遷――日本とのかかわりをめぐって》(東京:東方書店,2013),頁407-433。

3. 許雪姬、詹素娟合編,《災後十年:九二一地震口述訪問紀錄》(臺北:中央研究院臺灣史研究所、國家災害防救科技中心,2012)。

4. 許雪姬,〈臺灣口述歷史的回顧及展望〉,收於李向玉編,《眾聲平等:華人社會口述歷史的理論與實務》(澳門:澳門理工學院,2013年11月),頁30-44。

5. 〈在「滿洲國」的臺灣人高等官:以大同學院的畢業生為例〉,《臺灣史研究》19:3(2012年9月),頁95-150。

6. 〈日本統治期における台湾人の中国での活動–満洲と汪精衛政権にいた人々を例として〉,《中国21》36(2012年3月),頁97-122。