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 Module A > OBPE benefits 

Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation Benefits

When you start with the desired outcome, you plan the program to make the intended changes in your audience. The focus is on questions such as:

  • How will we know if we’ve succeeded? What will success look like?
  • How will this program contribute to the institutional mission?
  • What difference will it make to participants?


Outcome Based Planning and Evaluation

The planning process doesn’t change from Bad to Good with Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation. But because you have pictured what success would look like, you plan to make that happen.  Here’s what happens to your planning process:

Planning Process - You get an idea for a program to further the mission of your institution.
Planning Process with Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation - Identify specific individuals or groups (target audience) with a defined need central to your institution’s mission.

Planning Process - You plan the program, budgeting resources and costs, and argue successfully for funding.
Planning Process with Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation - Establish clear program outcomes to meet that need. Develop ways to measure those program outcomes (indicators).  Design program to reach that audience and produce the desired outcomes.

Planning Process - You offer the program and monitor the results.
Planning Process with Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation - Offer the program having planned what to monitor to show changes in the target audience.


You may be worrying, “What will happen if I don’t start by identifying an audience need but instead get a program idea from a funder’s Request for Proposals?”

Don’t worry. First, perhaps the funder has already identified a need. Second, the Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation police don’t give tickets!

Our point is that it pays to think about outcomes early on because it’s so central in planning what you will actually carry out. And here’s a hint if you need help with terms like “outcome” and “indicator.” We’ll explain these carefully in the other modules, but meanwhile check the Glossary if a term seems puzzling or unfamiliar.


Benefits of Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation for libraries 

Because you will plan for outcomes, Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation will help you to:

  • Communicate benefits to your community
  • Demonstrate accountability to funders
  • Determine which programs to expand, support or replicate
  • Promote partnerships and collaboration
  • Attract new funders
Dig Deeper

The Colorado Digitization Project illustrates the benefits of Outcomes Based Planning and Evaluation nicely . The Colorado Digitization Project has grown from a consortium of Colorado libraries, museums and archives that was awarded a small grant in 1999 to the current Collaborative Digitization Project including four other Western states, with a total of over $2.6 million in grants . See their website at for a copy of grants, reports and evaluations of their projects. Or click on the Cases tab at the top of the screen and select Teaching Colorado’s Heritage with Digital Sources for an overview of their accomplishments and links on our server to selected documents they have posted.



创建自: JacmanChin403 points . 最后修改: 星期一 25 of 4月, 2011 17:47:30 MDT 作者 JacmanChin403 points .