How much does it mean to a child in rural area of China:

A small amount of donation, guidance and feedback by corresponding directly with the students, could change a child's future forever. Each year, a representative from Evergreen will go to the site and place the scholarships directly into the hand of the students.

What is our policy (Part of agreement in pledge form):

Evergreen Education Foundation is committed to support its students starting with middle school and through high or vocational school education � an education that requires six years to complete. The Foundation, therefore, appeals to each individual, in sponsoring a student, to consider committing himself/herself to continuously support the student until s/he completes senior high or vocational school.

Click here for 2009-2010 student information.

Click here or here for student information.
2008年青树奖学金新生简介 or here

Donate by Check:

Please download one of the followings, fill in the form and mail it with the check to our mailing address.

Online pdf form

Donate by Credit Card Online:

General Funds - Please indicate your fund is for Scholarship, Library, Training, or General at "Add special instructions to the seller" on paypal review menu.
One senior high scholarship per year - $160
First year university scholarship - $600
(1st year of college is the hardest)
Second year university scholarship - $300
(They get loans for 3rd and 4th years)

Donate to the Orville Robbins Scholarship Fund:

Donate to Dinah McMillan Kahler Scholarship Fund:

(All transaction is SSL enhanced, tracking number and confirmation will be sent to you automatically through email. Inquiry can be made through our HOTLINE 415-111-111